Jade Empire Wiki
"To understand the earth, you must be aware of all things around you, and understand that they are all connected in one way or another. That is why Stone Immortal is only taught to those who follow the Way of the Open Palm. Our sense of harmony aids us in persuading the earth to serve as our ally."
Mistress Vo

Stone Immortal is one of the two advanced magic styles, the other being Tempest. As the name implies, it grants the user the ability to command the element of earth. Stone Immortal deals the most damage out of all magic styles and provides some tools for crowd control as well. The power attack deals damage and petrifies a single enemy, leaving them open for further attacks, while the area attack slowly releases three shockwaves one after another, knocking nearby enemies down and dealing damage to them.

In order to perform a harmonic combination through Stone Immortal the player must first use its power attack and follow up with a power attack of a martial style, which will produce a Focus Orb.

Stone Immortal can only be learned by followers of the Way of the Open Palm. If the user strays from the path of harmony afterwards, the style will deal reduced damage.


Attack power: 5/5 (high)

Attack speed: 2/5 (low)

Reach: 5/5 (very long overall, but the area attack affects only enemies closely surrounding the user)

Accessibility: 3/5 (can be learned in Chapter 2, but is restricted to Open Palm characters)

Overall rating: 4/5 (strong damage output and crowd control, its only drawbacks are alignment restriction and the area attack that is less effective than that of Tempest)

How to obtain[]

Taught by Mistress Vo in Tien's Landing (requires alignment of at least 50% towards Open Palm)

In-Game Description[]

Fighters who study this style gain mastery over the ponderous element of earth, putting the mighty power of stone and crystal at their command. Masters of Stone Immortal have the ability to attack enemies with crystalline missiles, encase foes in stone, or even open the ground beneath an opponent's feet. To command the power of earth requires a mind centered on balance, stability, and order, and so Stone Immortal is a favored style among followers of the Way of the Open Palm. It is far less effective if wielded by those who follow the Way of the Closed Fist.

