Leaping Tiger is one of the basic martial styles available at the beginning of the game. It does not deal much damage per hit, but its primary advantage is the longest reach out of any martial styles and that, together with high attack speed makes it arguably the best martial style in the game, even more effective than the advanced styles, Iron Palm and Viper. The basic combo consists of two quick punches and a kick. The kick deals more damage and has a long range for a martial style. The power attack is a leap than can damage the target from outside of melee range.
Attack power: 2/5 (low)
Attack speed: 4/5 (high)
Reach: 5/5 (very long, the basic combo's first two attacks are short range punches, but the third is a flying kick with long reach and the power attack is a leap that can damage the target from outside of melee range)
Accessibility: 5/5 (available as a starting style)
Overall rating: 5/5 (arguably the best martial style overall, due to high attack speed and mobility)
How to obtain[]
Available as a starting martial style
Purchasable from Zin Bu the Magical Abacus
In-Game Description[]
With the vigor and speed of the animal for which this martial style was named, Leaping Tiger dazzles onlookers even as it carves up opponents. Practitioners of this Martial style focus so completely on the strength and quickness of the tiger that razor-sharp claws seem to sprout from their fists. The style's quick, leaping techniques and punishing strikes create a flurry of death that can keep even armed opponents at bay.