Iron Palm is one of the two advanced martial styles, the other being Viper. One of the strongest martial styles, it is very similar to White Demon, a little weaker, but also a little faster. Iron Palm's wide, sweeping attacks are quite effective when fighting multiple opponents at once, though using a weapon would still be a better choice in that case. Its most notable feature, however, is a charging power attack that, while rather silly-looking, is very effective and allows the user to quickly close the distance to the target. Unlike Viper, Iron Palm does not have an alignment restriction and can be learned by followers of either the Way of the Open Palm or the Way of the Closed Fist.
Attack power: 4/5 (high)
Attack speed: 2/5 (low)
Reach: 5/5 (very long, although the basic combo has only average reach, the user presses forward with each attack and the power attack is a long range charge)
Accessibility: 3/5 (obtainable in Chapter 3, typically earlier than Viper)
Overall rating: 4/5 (one of the most effective martial styles with a very useful power attack, the style's only meaningful drawback is not being available at the start of the game)
Obtaining Style[]
If you have the PC version of Jade Empire, you can acquire this style by obtaining the following meditation doctrines: Iron Palm - The Anvil, Iron Palm - The Forge and Iron Palm - The Fire.
The Anvil[]
- Found in the Spirit Cave of the Two Rivers School in Chapter 1
The Forge[]
- Found in the Pirate Lair in Chapter 2 after freeing Yifong and Fuyao from the slavers (Open Palm) or making Fuyao fight for her freedom (Closed Fist). In the latter case, the scroll is only received if Fuyao does not rebel against her mother afterwards
The Fire[]
- Obtained as the final reward from the Imperial Arena in Chapter 3
In-Game Description[]
Practitioners of Iron Palm throw their entire body into each blow, mixing open-handed strikes with powerful, driving assaults. A low stance ensures that each blow directs momentum from the user's entire body to hit with the force of a sledgehammer. This mixture of power, balance, and brute strength demolishes individual opponents as easily as it scatters groups.