Ice Shard is one of the two basic magic styles that can be learned in the Spirit Cave in Chapter 1, the other being Dire Flame. As the name implies, it grants the user the ability to control the element of ice. Ice Shard deals the lowest damage out of all magic styles, but is the best at crowd control. The power attack deals no damage at all, but freezes a single enemy in a block of ice, rendering them helpless for a few moments, while the area attack summons a snowstorm in a large area around the user, slowing all enemies down and drops an ice boulder on one random enemy, dealing damage.
In order to perform a harmonic combination through Ice Shard the player must first use its power attack and follow up with a power attack of a martial style, which will produce a Chi Orb.
While there is no actual restriction, Ice Shard's calm and peaceful nature tends to be more appealing to followers of the Way of the Open Palm.
Attack power: 2/5 (low, power and area attacks deal no damage)
Attack speed: 2/5 (low)
Reach: 5/5 (very long overall, with the area attack covering the largest area out of all styles in the game)
Accessibility: 5/5 (can be learned in Chapter 1)
Overall rating: 3/5 (despite very poor damage output, as only basic attacks deal any damage at all, the style offers good support through effective crowd control)
How to obtain[]
Taught by the spirit of the Water Dragon in the Spirit Cave in Chapter 1
Bought from Acolyte Trainer Guang in the Lotus Assassin Fortress in Chapter 3
In-Game Description[]
While many warriors swear by the power of Dire Flame, many others seek to master the powerful Ice Shard. By using their chi to summon forth the soul-chilling cold of the highest mountains, masters of Ice Shard can send daggers of ice flying toward enemies, call a freezing ice storm to slow their shivering foes, or even encase opponents in columns of ice before shattering them with a single blow. Few fighters have the courage to stand up to the cold stare of an Ice Shard master.