Jade Empire Wiki

Dragon Sword

The Dragon Sword is a longsword and an upgrade to Fortune's Favorite, compared to which it deals more damage and has longer reach. It is obtained by purchasing it for 10000 silver coins from the blacksmith in the Imperial City in Chapter 3.


Attack power: 3/5 (average, +25% over Fortune's Favorite)

Area of effect: 4/5 (frontal cone, more effective than Fortune's Favorite due to the increased reach)

Attack speed: 3/5 (average)

Reach: 4/5 (long, longer than Fortune's Favorite)

Accessibility: 3/5 (can be purchased in Chapter 3, not optimal for a first upgrade, though not too bad either)

Overall rating: 5/5 (the longsword is arguably the best weapon style, strong in every category without any greater disadvantages, which starts to become visible with the Dragon Sword)

In-Game Description[]

Before his departure to the unknown, the Celestial Dragon crafted the first true warrior, Lu Fang. Though Lu Fang's fists were stronger and quicker than any blade, the Celestial Dragon forged the Dragon Sword to give the warrior a weapon worthy of his skill. Hard as dragon scales and sharp as a dragon's tooth, it is still one of the most formidable swords in the Empire.
