Evil wizard using Dire Flame
Dire Flame is one of the two basic magic styles that can be learned in the Spirit Cave in Chapter 1, the other being Ice Shard. As the name implies, it grants the user the ability to manipulate the element of fire. It deals decent damage, but does not offer much in terms of crowd control. The power attack is a fireball that explodes upon impact and deals damage to surrounding enemies, whereas the area attack summons a dragon construct around the user that breathes fire on the enemies in the front. That deals additional damage over time and causes them to run in fear for a few seconds as they try to extinguish the flames. As potent as that sounds, it is almost completely useless, as the attack has short reach and is very slow to cast. While channelling the area attack, you can still take damage, but the construct protects you from any disabling effects, such as paralysis or knockdown.
In order to perform a harmonic combination through Dire Flame the player must first use its area attack and follow up with a power attack of a martial style, which will produce a Health Orb.
While there is no actual restriction, Dire Flame's aggressive and destructive nature tends to be more appealing to followers of the Way of the Closed Fist.
Attack power: 3/5 (average)
Attack speed: 2/5 (low)
Reach: 5/5 (very long overall, but area attack has much shorter reach and only affects enemies in the front)
Accessibility: 5/5 (can be learned in Chapter 1)
Overall rating: 3/5 (likely the best choice if the player wants to use primarily magic, due to good damage output and the fact that this is the only style with a power attack that can damage multiple targets)
How to obtain[]
Taught by the spirit of the Water Dragon in the Spirit Cave in Chapter 1
Bought from Merchant Kia Jong in the Lotus Assassin Fortress in Chapter 3
In-Game Description[]
Practitioners of Dire Flame can throw bolts of fire, project explosive fireballs, and even summon dragon-like burning constructs that immolate enemies with tongues of flame. Sometimes the sight of a fighter wielding the power of flame is enough to reduce the bravest of opponents to begging for mercy.
Dire Flame was once called "Fire" and had a different description: "In the Jade Empire, damage is not always done with fist, foot or sword alone. Some fighters, the most skilled, can harness the very energy of their spirit to inflict more damage on their unfortunate opponents. Fire style doles out huge amounts of damage, and opponents are not quick to recover afterwards. Sometimes the sight of a fighter swathed in a halo of flame is enough to reduce the bravest of opponents to begging for mercy."