Jade Empire Wiki

Sgt.Pepper91 Sgt.Pepper91 25 January 2022

Idea for Jade Empire-Inspired Movie/Game

If there are any One Piece fans on this site, here's an idea. If there was a One Piece movie or game with a story similar to Jade Empire, what would it be like?

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Tunselous Tunselous 20 July 2012


"Man will look back and say I, I gave birth to the tunselouion Century" "Someone once told me that one day my life will end. But how, how can there be an end tosomething that has never had a beginning" "Have you ever sat there and looked into the face of death" "My mother said she will always love me. Now, now she is dead" "Someone said I will not be in this world for a long time. There is not one worldbut Two Worlds™" "Worms, worms are nothing compared to me" "In history books it will be written that my crew and I indeed did discover the New World.But I, I alone discovered the New World" "I will not bow to this pirate captain. Rule of Gondor is mine and no one elses" "If all human beings are puppets. Then I, I am the Puppeteer" "A man onc…

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Xephinetsa Xephinetsa 3 February 2011

Exile's Fall: Chapter Two

Title: Exile's Fall
Author: Xephinetsa
Game: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
Pairing: Female!Exile/Darth Sion
Disclaimer: Kotor II + all characters are © to Obsidian + LucasArts
But Aishi and Janos Rato are © to me!

“The hyperdrive is up and running again,” Bao confirmed, refixing the lid over the top. He packed up his toolkit and turned to Atton. “Did you manage to repair the hull damage?”
“Uhh… well, you see…” the scoundrel nervously scratched at the back of his neck. “There was a slight, er, problem that prevented me from starting-”
“What happened?” Bao cut in with a sigh.
“Let me show you.”
Bao picked up his toolkit and followed Atton to the cargo hold. He scanned the room, his gaze falling on a small, battered astromech droid, tucked …

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Xephinetsa Xephinetsa 29 January 2011

Exile's Fall: Chapter One

Title: Exile's Fall
Author: Xephinetsa
Game: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
Pairing: Female!Exile/Darth Sion
Disclaimer: Kotor II + all characters are © to Obsidian + LucasArts
But Aishi is © to me!

“Well, isn’t this great? We’re stranded on a moon that’s covered in jungle! And even better, said jungle is filled with ferocious beasts that would just love to tear us limb from limb and devour our flesh!” Aishi threw her arms into the air and began to pace back and forth, muttering something unintelligible under her breath. Atton stood a few paces away and watched in amusement. “You need to calm down, General.”
“Calm down? Calm down?! I blew up a mining facility, went to jail and crashed a shuttle twice on the same planet! And now I’ve cr…

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Xephinetsa Xephinetsa 29 January 2011

The Origin of Xephinetsa

Hello my fellow Wiki-geeks! I am here to explain the reason behind my username! Please read and enjoy! ♥
Well, here goes...

My sister decided to write a Kingdom Hearts fanfic, and she wanted to put me in it, but as a Nobody.
Now, Nobodies are creatures that are created when someone with a strong heart dies and becomes a Heartless.

The name of the person that died (referred to as "somebodies" by fans) is twisted around to create an anagram to form the name of their nobody. An "X" is also added in there somewhere.

So, Xephinetsa is an anagram of my real name with an "X" added. Simple as that. (:

My sentence has a heart, every argument you make for the rest of your life is invalid. ❤ ~Xephinetsa 07:16, January 29, 2011 (UTC)

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Xephinetsa Xephinetsa 12 January 2011

Zu's Sacrifice

This is a short Jade Empire fanfic I wrote recently. Enjoy! (:
Female!PC/Sagacious Zu I couldn’t believe my eyes.

I couldn’t believe what I knew to be true.
I couldn’t believe it…
He couldn’t be gone.
The sound of Sky’s urgent shouting dragged me back to the present.
Right. The Fortress was collapsing, we had to get out.
But my legs wouldn’t move. What was the point anymore?
He wouldn’t have wanted me to give up. He sacrificed himself so that I could live.
That was all the motivation I needed. I took Sky’s hand and we ran like there was no tomorrow.
If I don’t run, there won’t be a tomorrow.
We sped up the stairs and into the cave. Rocks crashed down around us.
There it was, I could see it. The way out.
Sky pulled me back as the light disappeared; blocked o…

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I have a project about Jade Empire for English. What store has the cheapest price can I buy it???

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